1. Article: “The Sabotaged Penitentiary System” — published in the “A Tribuna” periodic section November 7, 1998, Santos/SP.

2. Article: “Criminal novelties” — published in the “A Tribuna” periodic sectionJanuary 25, 1999, Santos/SP.

3. Article: “Criminal allotments” ― published in the “Gerente de Cidade” magazine n.° 41, January/ February/ March, 2007.

4. Lecture:“The Influence Traffic Crime”, held on August 18, 2005 at Centro UniversitárioNove de Julho;

5. Lecture:“Law, Censorship and Press after the validity of the Federal Constitution of 1988”, held February 7, 2006 at Centro UniversitárioNove de Julho;

6. Lecture: “Penalties in Brazilian criminal law”, held August 17, 2006 at Centro UniversitárioNove de Julho;

7. Lecture:“Bankrupcy crimes”, held May 13, 2008 at UniversidadePaulista – UNIP, Campus Marquêsof São Vicente.

8. Lecture:“CARTEL: Crime and administrative misdemeanor”, held October 10, 2013 at Industries’ Federation of the State of São Paulo (Competitive Law Study Group).

9. Lecture:“The victim in crimes against sexual dignity”, held October 23, 2014 at the College of Public Prosecution (Universitary Extension Course in Ciminology and Victimology)