"Paulo Amador da Cunha Bueno - Lawyers" works in specialized criminal law, with personalized assistance in both preventive consulting in its various aspects, as well as in the representation of the investigated in Police Investigations and Criminal Investigation Procedures conducted by the Public Prosecutor's Office, in addition to the defense of the accused in criminal proceedings, both at the state level and at the federal level, acting in actions that deal in 1st instance criminal Courts, Jury Courts, Special Criminal Courts, and Childhood and Youth Courts. In second instance in the State Courts of Justice and Federal Regional Courts. In recursal degree or in acts of original jurisdiction in the Superior Court of Justice and Supreme Federal Court.
The office also has extensive experience attending customers submitted to investigation by Parliamentary Inquiry Committees (CPI's).
In addition to defending individuals, the contemporary system of criminal prosecution started having repercussions on the legal entities environment, which are currently being used as a scenario where they develop from the most modest frauds, to major investigations and operations that investigate corporate frauds of national repercussion, often involving public agents and money laundering mechanisms.
This contemporary model is fully assimilated to the daily life of the office, which exercises a large part of its defenses in matters unfolded in the business environment. In keeping with this characteristic, the office has the differential of having in its team professionals with a history and participation in Boards of Directors of the most important publicly traded companies in the country, guaranteeing unique expertise in the development of strategies in the field of corporate criminal law.
In contentious law, the following office’s areas of occupation stand out:
- Crimes against the person and against life
- Crimes against honor
- Crimes against the patrimony
- Crimes against intellectual property, trademarks and unfair competition
- Crimes against the organization of work
- Crimes against sexual dignity
- Crimes against public safety
- Crimes against public peace
- Counterfeit currency and counterfeit documents crimes
- Crimes against the National and Foreign Public Administration
- Crimes against the Administration of Justice
- Crimes against Public Finance
- Criminal contraventions
- Authority Abuse Crimes
- Money laundering and Capital Concealment Crimes
- Crimes against the Financial System (White Collar Crimes Law)
- Crimes of the Corporate Recovery Bankruptcy Law
- Environmental Crimes
- Crimes against the Tax Order
- Crimes against the Economic Order
- Crimes against the Consumer (Consumer Defense Code)
- Electoral Crimes
- Crimes against the Elderly
- Traffic Crimes
- Racism Crimes
- Disarmament Statute Crimes
- Political agentsResponsibility Crimes
- Crimes against the Popular Economy
- Law of Capital Markets (insider trading and market manipulation) Crimes
- Anti-drugs Law Crimes
- Domestic and Family Violence against Women (Maria da Penha Law) Crimes
- Criminal Execution Law
- Criminal Organizations Law
- Violations of the Statute of Children and Adolescents
In advisory and special non-contentious advocacy activities, "Paulo Amador da Cunha Bueno - Lawyers" meets requests and demands consistent with the current model spectrum, underlining:
- Negotiation, preparation and execution of award-winning collaboration agreements
- Negotiation, drafting and execution of leniency agreements
- Elaboration and implementation of criminal compliance programs for legal entities operating in public and private sectors
- Criminal counseling and legal opinions issuance
- Criminal due diligence
- Elaboration of academic opinions, with answers to specific questions, for judicial instruction
- Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry